Phía sau anh hùng bám biển

Rít một hơi thuốc dài, anh Thọ trầm ngâm kể lại câu chuyện chiếc tàu gỗ của anh rơi vào làn mưa đạn khi đánh cá ở Hoàng Sa. Do sự thần kỳ nào đó, chỉ có anh trúng đạn và các thuyền viên kịp kéo con tàu tàn tạ gặp tàu hải quân cứu … Continue reading Phía sau anh hùng bám biển

Vietnam’s China challenge

After one of the most highly contested Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) elections to date, the incumbent General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was re-elected to the top post of the Vietnamese regime in late January. But victory in the elections is just the first challenge in Trong’s five-year term. The next major challenge for the new … Continue reading Vietnam’s China challenge

China-Vietnam dispute in a nutshell

  The recent tensions between Vietnam and China have rocked the peaceful Asia-Pacific region. Here is the basic background. As a Vietnamese national, I try to keep this as objective as possible.   What happened? In early May 2014, China moved a giant drilling rig, named HD-981, into the area claimed by both China and … Continue reading China-Vietnam dispute in a nutshell